- as a Golf Course Putting Green Construction Material
Dr. Wayne R. Kussow, Douglas J.
Department of Soil Science – UW Madison
All research is sponsored by ASI Specialities,
Ltd. and all rights are reserved. Any use of this
information without the expressed written consent of
ASI Specialities, Ltd. is prohibited.
During the fall of 2001, a putting green was built to
USGA specifications at the O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research
and Education Facility in Verona, WI. The green is comprised
of twenty 6 ft. by 8 ft. cells consisting of 12 inches
of root zone mix overlying a pea gravel blanket with
imbedded drain pipe. A plywood grid and plastic sheeting
extending the full depth of the root zone physically
isolates each cell. The cells are arrayed in 4 rows
of 5 cells each. Each row of cells constitutes a replicate
of randomly located treatments.
The treatments are root zone materials of different
compositions. Included are: (1) pure sand; (2) sand
+ AgriBoost (Jordanian zeolite); (3) sand + GSA ZK406H
(a U.S. zeolite); (4) sand + Profile (a porous ceramic
material); and (5) sand + peat moss. The ratio of sand:
amendment in the mixes is 90:10 (v/v). Each cell was
outfitted with a well for insertion of TDR probes at
5 different soil depths for moisture measurement and
a low-tension lysimeter for leachate collection (Figure
1). A cover was placed over the green to minimize wind
erosion and contamination of the root zone mixes during
the winter months.

Figure 1
The root zone mixes were prepared by measuring out
the volume of sand required, pacing it in a windrow
on a paved surface, and spreading over the windrows
the proper volume of amendment. These were then blended
by making several passes thorough the windrow with a
tractor- mounted compost pile mixer (Figure 2).

Figure 2
The putting green will be seeded to L-93
creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds) in mid-May
of 2002 or when the soil temperature reaches an acceptable
level. The surrounding banks will be sodded with Kentucky
bluegrass. Following seeding, a grow in period will
take place. Once the grow in period is complete, the
green will be placed under an irrigation, mowing, fertilization,
and disease control program typical of that of an up-scale
Wisconsin golf course.
Plant parameters such as density, quality,
green speed, clipping weight, clipping nutrient content,
rooting depth, root mass density, disease incidence
and severity, and localized dry spot will be measured
at varying frequencies. These tests will characterize
treatment effects on bentgrass grow in, its subsequent
growth, nutrition, and putting green quality. These
plant responses will eventually be related to the physical
and chemical properties of the root zone materials.
Detailed records will be kept of all construction
costs, and any factor that has an influence on the economic
and environmental benefits that may accrue from use
of the various root zone amendments. Such factors are
time to putting green playability, sustained turf quality,
fertilizer, water, and pesticide requirements. This
information will serve as the basis for treatment cost/benefit
analysis. Relevant physical and chemical properties
of the root zone construction materials and mixes are
currently being measured in the laboratory. The following
section provides a summary of the data collected over
the past five months.
Particle Size Distribution:
The first objective of the lab analyses was to verify
that the field blended root zone mixes were as uniform
as can be expected and are the intended 90:10 (v:v)
blends. To do this, laboratory root zone mixes were
carefully prepared in small batches using a twin shell
blender. The carefully blended lab mixes were compared
to the field mixes.
The particle size distributions of the
laboratory and field mixes were very similar (Table
1) suggesting that the compost pile mixer used was an
effective tool for creating uniform root zone mixes.
There was some concern that AgriBoost, which has a wide
range of particle sizes, would not yield a mix that
meets USGA pecifications. While the AgriBoost amended
mix did have higher percentages of very fine sand and
silt + clay than in the other mixes, the mix does meet
USGA standards of <10% fine gravel and very coarse
sand, >60% coarse and medium sand, and < 10% very
fine sand + silt and clay.
Table 1: Particle size distribution of
root zone mixes prepared in the lab and in the field
Lab Samples - Root Zone Mixe
Name |
diameter |
AgriBoost |
Profile |
Peat Moss |
Sand |
Fine Gravel |
2.0 - 3.4 mm |
0.82% |
0.72% |
1.25% |
0.88% |
0.80% |
Very Coarse Sand |
1.0 - 2.0 mm |
7.06% |
5.62% |
5.86% |
7.17% |
6.05% |
Coarse Sand |
0.5 - 1.0 mm |
21.75% |
22.65% |
21.63% |
25.07% |
21.33% |
Medium Sand |
0.25 - 0.50 mm |
40.28% |
41.49% |
42.55% |
39.84% |
42.49% |
Fine Sand |
0.15 - 0.25 mm |
26.90% |
26.73% |
26.38% |
24.90% |
26.73% |
Very Fine Sand |
0.05 - 0.15 mm |
2.18% |
2.03% |
1.70% |
1.62% |
1.75% |
Silt and Clay |
less than 0.05 |
1.01% |
0.76% |
0.62% |
0.52% |
0.85% |
Field Samples - Root Zone Mixes
Name |
diameter |
AgriBoost |
Profile |
Peat Moss |
Sand |
Fine Gravel |
2.0 - 3.4 mm |
0.56% |
0.48% |
1.04% |
0.46% |
0.29% |
Very Coarse Sand |
1.0 - 2.0 mm |
6.37% |
5.20% |
5.31% |
7.02% |
5.76% |
Coarse Sand |
0.5 - 1.0 mm |
22.42% |
24.17% |
23.34% |
26.52% |
22.90% |
Medium Sand |
0.25 - 0.50 mm |
42.77% |
44.11% |
45.13% |
42.56% |
44.00% |
Fine Sand |
0.15 - 0.25 mm |
24.94% |
24.09% |
23.54% |
21.79% |
25.11% |
Very Fine Sand |
0.05 - 0.15 mm |
1.72% |
1.27% |
1.12% |
1.00% |
1.30% |
Silt and Clay |
less than 0.05 |
1.22% |
0.67% |
0.52% |
0.66% |
0.65% |
pH values:
The CaCl2 and H2O soil solution pH values of the root
zone mixes and the amendments are
listed in Table 2. The pH was run in a 0.01 M CaCl2
solution because this more closely
approximates field pH of a fertilized putting green.
Table 2: Water and dilute salt solution
pH values of the root zone mixes
and mix amendments.
values root zone mix (H20) |
values root zone mix (CaCl2) |
100% Sand |
8.94 |
100% Sand |
7.85 |
90% Sand, 10% AgriBoost |
9.03 |
90% Sand, 10% AgriBoost |
7.98 |
90% Sand, 10% GSA |
9.01 |
90% Sand, 10% GSA |
7.60 |
90% Sand, 10% Peat Moss |
8.16 |
90% Sand, 10% Peat Moss |
7.09 |
90% Sand, 10% Profile |
8.68 |
90% Sand, 10% Profile |
7.65 |
pH values amendments |
pH values amendments |
100% AgriBoost |
8.33 |
100% AgriBoost |
8.03 |
100% GSA |
8.08 |
100% GSA |
7.58 |
100% Peat Moss |
4.28 |
100% Peat Moss |
2.83 |
100% Profile |
6.68 |
100% Profile |
6.05 |
The AgriBoost mix had the highest pH (Table
2) followed by GSA, Profile, and peat moss respectively;
the pH of each root zone mix was dominated by the pH
of the sand. This sand like many others used around
the U.S. for putting green construction, contains a
yet to be determined amount of carbonates.
Cation Exchange Capacity:
Compared to the minerals commonly found
in soils, zeolites have a unique property. Due to the
nature of their crystalline structures, many of the
negative charged sites in zeolites can be accessed by
cations such as NH4 + and K+ that have small hydrated
radii (< 5A.), but not by large cations such as Ca2+
and Mg2+, whose hydrated radii are 9.6A and 10.8A respectively.
This can be a very important distinction from the perspective
of N and K management in sand based putting greens.
The NH4 + and K+ bonded to the sterically restricted
sites in zeolite are not subject to displacement by
Ca2+ or Mg2+ and will therefore, suffer much lower leaching
loss as compared to root zone mixes that do not contain
To verify the existence and magnitude
of the preferential bonding of NH4 + and K+, the cation
exchange capacities of the root zone mixes and amendments
were determined via Ca2+ saturation/Mg2+ displacement
(Figure 3) and NH4 + saturation/K+ displacement methods
(Figure 4).

Figure 3

Figure 4
One thing that is important to note, is
that the cation exchange capacity measurements are taken
on a weight basis while the root zone mixes are created
strictly by volume measurements. Therefore, the peat
moss appears to have a relatively high cation exchange
capacity as an amendment, but loses much of that benefit
when incorporated into a 90:10 (v:v) root zone mix.
Peat moss has a much smaller weight to volume ratio
than any of the other amendments used in this study.
Another important property of peat moss is demonstrated
by these two experiments. Peat moss is capable of retaining
relatively large amounts of divalent cations, but retains
very few monovalent cations such as NH4 + and K+ on
its exchange sites. We see this when the cation exchange
capacity of the peat moss changes from 24.16 cmol kg-1
when divalent cations are used to 1.54 cmol kg-1 when
monovalent cations are used.
When the ammonium/potassium method was
used, the estimated cation exchange capacity of each
zeolite (AgriBoost and GSA ZK406H) increased roughly
five times from that obtained using the calcium/magnesium
method. The other inorganic amendment used in this study,
Profile, showed almost no change in cation exchange
capacity from one method to the next indicating that
all negatively charged sites in the product are equally
accessed by monovalent and divalent cations. The pore
spaces in the zeolite act as an ionic sieve, letting
the smaller ions (in this case ammonium and potassium)
pass, while denying the larger ions access to many of
its exchange sites. It should be noted that although
AgriBoost and GSA ZK406H are both zeolites, AgriBoost
demonstrated a CEC of almost twice that of GSA.
Moisture Release Data:
Soil cores were prepared for the moisture
release measurements by compacting them to the degree
of a severely compacted putting green. While this is
the standard laboratory method used for evaluating putting
green root zone mixes, it represents a worst-case scenario
and most likely does not represent the field conditions
that would be found in a new putting green.
Obtaining moisture release data is a very
lengthy process. Approximately six weeks are required
to obtain one moisture release curve. Fortunately, we
have the equipment to measure up to ten curves simultaneously.
The data included in this report are incomplete (Figure
5). Data is currently being collected for the release
curves of duplicate samples. The trends we are seeing
so far indicate that the AgriBoost root zone mixes retain
moisture just below that of the peat moss mixes, and
above the remaining three treatments. However, statistically
significant differences cannot be calculated until data
collection is complete.

Figure 5
AgriBoost has demonstrated a cation exchange
capacity far superior to that of the other amendments
tested. It has shown a special selectivity for smaller
cations such as K+ and NH4 +. This property may very
well lead to agronomic, economic, and environmental
benefits from using AgriBoost as an amendment to a sand-based
root zone. Its ability to hold a large amount of water
and release it at a relatively low tension is also a
very desirable trait with probable significant benefits.
1. Amrhein, C., and D.L. Suarez. 1990.
Procedure for determining sodium-calcium selectivity
in calcareous and gypsiferous soils. Soil Science Society
of America Journal. 54:999-1007
2. Schofield, R.K. 1949. Effect of pH on electric charges
carried by clay particles. Journal of Soil Science.
3. Hummel, Jr., Norman W. 1993. Laboratory methods for
evaluation of putting green root zone mixes. USGA Green
Section Record. March/April 1993. 23-27.