Agriboost to the soil produces excellent results on
transplant production
FiBL, a Research Institute of Organic Agriculture,
located in Switzerland, conducted research on the effect
of AgriBoost™ on the production of transplants.
AgriBoost™ in each experiment did exactly what
its name implies: it boosted plant performance when
it was added to any substrate. For example, when AgriBoost™
was added at 10% to a basic black peat/lime/NPK fertilizer
potting mix, the increase in plant size was spectacular:
tomato seedlings grew 343% bigger! The increase in plant
size in the highly optimized commercial media was smaller
(17% and 34%), but was still highly significant.
Commercial growth media are expensive. AgriBoost™
them obsolete. By adding just 10% AgriBoost™
to a simple,
self-made potting mix of black peat, lime, and fertilizer,
outperformed everything else in this trial.
These results prove that a grower is much better off
mixing AgriBoost™
with his own medium from inexpensive
black peat, lime, NPK fertilizer, than with buying a
fancy premix.
AgriBoost™ gives you the best performance available,
better than fine-tuned commercial premixes, but at a
fraction of their cost. In addition, AgriBoost™
gives the grower complete control over the ingredients
in the mix, all of which (except AgriBoost ™ )
are available from many suppliers at rock-bottom prices.
AgriBoost™ also proves to be cost effective -
at 10% in the mix, one shipment of AgriBoost™
goes a long way.
All research is sponsored
by ASI Specialities, Ltd. and all rights are reserved.
Any use of
this information without the expressed written consent
of ASI Specialities, Ltd. is prohibited.